The Center for Open Data Enterprise is a non-profit organization that aims to maximize the value of open data as a public resource that anyone can use. As a means to promote the impact and value of using open data, the center designed and developed the Open Data Impact map. As a Data Science & Technology Fellow at the Center for Open Data Enterprise, I have worked on the Open Data Impact Map, which is a searchable, centralized database of open data use cases from around the world. The map shows the distribution of organizations in the world that make use of open data. The data have been collected through research, surveys, and interviews. Researchers in the center have conducted quantitative analyses based on these data.
My role was to lead a team of technology interns in developing a new version of the impact map; the tasks included (1) providing technical directions, (2) designing and implementing a relational database (MySQL), (3) managing the data, and (4) visualizing geo-tagged data using the ArcGIS online map (w/ Leaflet). This experience was very meaningful not only in learning about geospatial systems but also for understanding the impact of social good work on policy and organizations.
I am grateful for the center's support (Joel Gurin, Laura Manley, and Audrey Ariss) and interns' endeavors in developing the map (thanks to Noah, Vinayak, and Pooja).